Introduction to Cognos
This class is designed to introduce the user to Cognos system, providing the learner information about how we use Cognos to access data and introducing the folder structure we use for housing reports in Cognos. Also presented are the various types of parameters and how they are used. This class provides a hands-on instruction in how to set “my preferences” for the user, how to use the “My Folders” section of Cognos and provides the opportunity to execute a report while learning some of the navigation options. The class ends with a discussion of how to trouble-shoot problems experienced with Cognos. The class does not provide instruction on specific reports or how to use the reports to make business decisions. This class is a requirement to other Cognos Reporting classes, whether for Finance or Human Resources reporting classes.
Cognos Grant Reporting
This class is for those who are responsible for managing grant accounts. This class is a hands-on session and reviews the finance reports which were designed to support grants management. It is requested that those attending the session bring a list of the accounts which they are managing.
Financial Reporting: Budget Reports
This class provides opportunity to access the Cognos Reporting System for hands-on training. Instruction in how to navigate within the system are provided as well as tips for using the system efficiently. Finance reports that are used to monitor the balance of a FOP/FOAP are introduced during this session. Bring FOP/FOAP with you to class and you will be able to look at data for your organization.
Financial Reporting: Transaction Reports
This class provides opportunity to learn how to use transaction level reports within Cognos in a hands-on training environment. These reports provide details regarding activity that has taken place within a FOP / FOAP. Bring the FOPs / FOAPs from your department to this class.
HR Reporting: Employee Appointment Reports
This class provides a review of the reports that have been created to provide information to departments about Employee Appointments. The class provides some opportunity to execute the reports in a hands-on environment. The reports that are discussed are those located in Cognos - Human Resources Folder, Departmental Users Folder, Employee Appointment Reports. These reports are useful when creating an ePaf for a current employee, monoitoring employee appontments and FOAP labor distribution, to view a list of employees for an organization. All about HR and ePAF is a pre-requisite to this class.
HR Reporting: Payroll Reports
This class introduces you to reports that are available in Cognos to monitor various payroll activity for a FOP. Definitions of reports and the fields found within the reports are provided. Instruction is provided in a hand-on environment and attendees are encouraged to bring a list of the FOPs / FOAPs from their organization.
Procurement Reporting in Cognos
This class provides an overview of the reports used to mointor activities related to Procurement. The hands-on session provides an opportunity to learn how to use the Cognos Reports related to procurment, a review of the Vendor Payments Application and discussion about Banner Account coding.