Texas Tech Double T

Intro to Financial Transaction System (FiTS)

Note: Before you can take this class, you must have completed the below pre-requisite(s).
Financial Management 101: Introduction to FOAP Codes

Course Description

This class serves as an introduction to "FiTS", or the 'Financial Transactions System'. The FiTS system allows users to submit and process interdepartmental cost transfers (transfer of expense(s) from one FOP to another). It also introduces the automated process to prepare and submit IV (Intra-Institutional Vouchers) and Revenue JV (Journal Vouchers) documents.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the difference between Cost Transfers, Revenue JV’s and Intra-Institutional Vouchers (IVs).
  • Establish an understanding of when and how to execute each of the functions.
  • Comprehend the Approval Process and how to access the application.
  • Understand limitations of the system and which departments to contact for those needs.

Training Aids

Below you will find a list of tools and resources that will be referenced during class. You will receive an email prior to class with instructions on what to print and bring with you.


Data Management for Financial Resources